Thursday, June 2, 2011

Creator, Spirit, By Whose Aid

(a hymn for Pentecost)

Creator, Spirit*, by whose aid
The world's foundations first were laid.
Come, visit every humble mind;
Come pour Your joys on humankind.

From sin and sorrow set us free;
May we Your living temples be.
Giver of grace, descend from high;
Your sevenfold** gifts to us supply.
Help us eternal truths receive
And practice all that we believe.
Give us Yourself that we may see
The glory of the Trinity.

Immortal honor, endless fame
Attend the Almighty Father's Name.
The Savior, Son, be glorified,
Who for all humankind has died.
To You, O Counselor***, we raise
Unending songs of thanks and praise.

---Rabanus Marus, early 9th century A.D.; translated by John Dryden, adapted c.m.b., 2011.
*For more on the Holy Spirit in creation, see notes on Gerard Manley Hopkins's "God's Grandeur" below
**Sevenfold gift of the Spirit: (Isaiah 11:1-2). The Catholic Catechism defines them as "wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord." While this is not a Biblical listing, it is a listing worth considering.
***Greek "Paraclete", counselor, advisor, comfortor, legal counsel (lawyer), all-in-one.