Showing posts with label Jesus Christ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus Christ. Show all posts

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Fum Fum Fum

On December 25th** sing
Fum, fum, fum*.
On December 25th sing
Fum, fum, fum.
He is born of God's pure love,       
The Son of God, the Son of God;
He is born of Virgin Mary
On this night so cold** and dreary.
Fum, fum, fum.

Birds of every forest grove sing
Fum, fum, fum. 
Birds of every forest grove sing
Fum, fum, fum. 
All your fledglings on the bough,
Oh, leave them now, oh, leave them now;
For to make a downy cover
For our Jesus, round Him hover.
Fum, fum, fum.  

Shining stars from heav'n above, sing
Fum, fum, fum. 
Shining stars from heav'n above, sing
Fum, fum, fum. 
Oh, come rejoice, oh, come rejoice;
Come and light the night's obscureness
With your light and dazzling pureness.
Fum, fum, fum.    
--Traditional Spanish Catalan carol (one of many translations)  

*"Fum" [pronounced "foom"], an imitation of strumming guitars and other stringed instruments; possibly also suggesting the rocking of the cradle.
**We don't know what date or time of year Jesus was born.  (Some modern writers assert it was in August, due to supposed clues in the text, but this is not known for sure.)  This date was chosen to give people who converted to Christianity an opportunity to carry on old light festivals with new meanings.  Many carols reflect their European settings far more than the realities of 1st century Bethlehem.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Perfect Love

     This is another year that Valentine's Day falls on Ash Wednesday.  A real reminder of the sacrificial love of all the Saint Valentines.  (See also my other blog for some Valentine's thoughts)

Friday, December 1, 2023

Here Between Ass & Oxen Mild

1. Here between ass and oxen* mild,
Sleep, sleep, sleep my little Child.
Thousand seraphim,
Thousand cherubim
Keeping watch above 
This Mighty God of Love. 
2.  Here within Mary's sweet embrace
Sleeps, sleeps, sleeps this Fruit of Grace
Thousand seraphim,
Thousand cherubim
Keeping watch above 
This Mighty God of Love.  
3. Here between rose and lily sweet**
Sleep, sleep, sleep, my Son petite.
Thousand seraphim,
Thousand cherubim
Keeping watch above 
This Mighty God of Love.
4.  Here between the shepherds wondering
Sleep, sleep, Jesus, newborn King.
Thousand seraphim,
Thousand cherubim
Keeping watch above 
This Mighty God of Love.  
5.  On this holy day which God chose well
Sleeps, sleeps, sleeps Emmanuel.
Thousand seraphim,
Thousand cherubim
Keeping watch above 
This Mighty God of Love.  
-- developed from the 13th century French carol, “Entre le bœuf et l’âne gris” ["Between the Ox & Grey Donkey"]; this version (c) C. Marie Byars, 2023
*The "ox and ass" portrayals go beyond assuming what might be in a stable. Medieval Roman Catholic churchmen and songwriters were adding their interpretation of Isaiah 1:3-- "The ox knows its owner, and the donkey its master’s feed trough [manger, crib], but Israel does not know; My people do not understand."
 A donkey may or may not have conveyed the pregnant Mary to Bethlehem. The Bible doesn't say.  An otherwise hale and hearty Mary may have walked the 90 mile journey.
What Child Is This   Also features ox and donkey.  
**The lily was a symbol of the Virgin Mary's purity.  (Though not used for old Christmas symbolism, it's a nice way to remember the story of Good Friday & Easter were already embedded into the Christmas account.)   The rose has variously been a symbol of Mary and of Jesus.  For both, it is a symbol of purity.  When used as a symbol of Jesus, it hearkens back to then Old Testament Rose of Sharon (which was actually a crocus in Hebrew, a small, early spring bulb flower!).  The Rose of Sharon was the one who pursued His beloved in the Song of Solomon.  
(There are various myths about winter roses and Mary's searching and struggles, also, which cropped up over the centuries.)
The Nativity in the photos is our own.  It is a composite of a couple different Italian sets.   We wait until closer to Epiphany (January 6) to put out the Wise Men.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

For All the Saints

All Saints Day is November 1st.  It is a day to remember those who have departed the world before us and are in Christ's presence forever.  

My favorite departed saint to remember is my maternal grandmother, whose photos you will find scattered throughout.  In Lutheran thinking (following how the Bible uses the term), all Christians are "saints" because Christ has made us holy by saving us. We don't live it out perfectly (sadly, we often don't live it out well at all), but Christ is the Perfect One, the Holy One who makes us that way in God's eyes. 

For all the saints 
Who from their labors rest,
Who Thee by faith 
Before the world confessed;
Thy name, O Jesus, 
Be forever blest.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

Thou wast their Rock, 
Their Fortress and their Might;
Thou, Lord, their Captain 
In the well-fought fight;
Thou, in the darkness drear, 
Their one true Light.
Alleluia, Alleluia

O blest communion, 
Fellowship divine!
We feebly struggle, 
They in glory shine;
Yet all are one in Thee, 
For all are Thine.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

But then there breaks 
A still more glorious day:
The saints triumphant 
Rise in bright array;
The King of Glory 
Passes on His way.
Alleluia, Alleluia!

From earth's wide bounds, 
From ocean's farthest coast,
Through gates of pearl 
Streams in the countless host,
in praise of Father, 
Son, and Holy Ghost.
Alleluia, Alleluia!  --William Walsham How, 1864

W.W. How was born in 1823 in England and died in 1897 in Ireland.  He was an Anglican priest who rose to be a bishop.  

Sunday, October 1, 2023

A Mighty Fortress

     October 31st is Reformation Day for Lutherans*.  In honor of this, here is the best known hymn by Martin Luther for you to read as a poem.  It is based on Psalm 46 and was written around 1529.  Some people think Luther wrote it in remembrance of his friend Leonhard Kaiser, who was martyred due to the Reformation.   
     The translation from German included here is closer to the original German, a little less like the modern hymn.   It is based somewhat on literal translations and somewhat on the known translations, with adaptations by this blogger.
     The picture included is the Luther's Rose**, designed by him.  It is rich in symbolism.  

1) A mighty Fortress is our God,
A good Defense and Weapon.
He helps us free from every need.   
That has us now o'ertaken.
The old evil enemy
Works still more earnestly.
His pow'r and ploys are great;
His armor is cruel hate:
On earth is not his likeness.

2) With our own strength is nothing done,
Else quick our loss effected.
But for us fights the suitable One, 
Whom God Himself elected. 
You ask who is He who came?
Christ Jesus is His name,
Of heav'nly hosts the Lord, 
God's only Son adored:
The battlefield He must hold.

3)  Though all  the world with devils were filled
All threat'ning to devour us,
We would not fear, for God has willed
They cannot overpow'r us.
The prince of worldly power,
Howe'er he might glower,
We will not be budged:
Since he's already judged,
One little word can bring him down.

4) The Word they still shall let remain
And not be thankful for it.
He is with us according to plan
With His good gifts and Spirit.
Were they to take our life,
Goods, honor, child and wife,
Let them go away.
They still will have no sway:
The Kingdom shall remain for us.
     ---Martin Luther, c. 1529; translation by various; adapted c.m.b., 2023

*Reformation Day, October 31st.  Centuries before this, the Roman Catholic church had taken over the Druid observance of Samhain. The Druids believed the barrier between the worlds of dead and living was "thinnest" at midnight on October 31st. The Church repurposed November 1st as All Saints' Day. October 31st became known as "All Hallows' Eve" in English. Luther chose the day before All Saints Day, by tradition, to post his 95 Theses (statements) in German on a church door, calling for a debate among church leaders and scholars. These were translated and sparked the Protestant Reformation.

**Luther's Rose:  this was first sketched by Luther around 1516 to 1520 and fully designed at the request of Johann Friedrich, Elector of Saxony. The black cross represents Jesus' sacrifice, the blackness symbolizing our sin. The red heart symbolizes our faith; Luther said that because of our sin, the heart ought to be black, yet, due to Christ, the heart is not utterly destroyed.  The heart is on a white rose, to show that faith gives joy, comfort and peace:  white is the color of angels and spirits.  The sky blue field symbolizes joy and that faith is the beginning of future heavenly joy.  The gold ring symbolizes precious eternity, which has no beginning and end.  

This rendering has the triple phrase often used by Lutherans, sometimes written in Latin: sola fide, sola gratia, sola Scriptura.  A fourth could be added:  solus Christus, Christ alone.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Songs of Thankfulness & Praise

Happy New Year!  This is being posted in recognition of the upcoming Festival of Epiphany, the coming of the Wise Men, on January 6th.  Epiphany is a full season, and this hymn has many verses to reflect this.  I am only posting some more pertinent to the Wise Men and to things in nature.

Songs of thankfulness and praise,
Jesus, Lord, to Thee we raise:
Manifested by the star
To the sages from afar.
Branch of royal David's stem  
In Thy birth at Bethlehem:
Anthems be to Thee addressed, 
God in man made manifest.

Sun and moon shall darkened be,
Stars shall fall, the heav'ns shall flee;
Christ will then like lightning shine:
All will see His glorious sign.
All will then the trumpet hear,
All will see the Judge appear;
Thou by all wilt be confessed, 
God in man made manifest.

Grant us grace to see Thee, Lord,
Present in They holy Word--
Grace to imitate Thee now
And be pure, as pure art Thou,
That we might become like Thee
At Thy great epiphany
And may praise Thee, ever blest,
God in man made manifest.
--Christopher Wordsworth, 1862

Thursday, December 1, 2022

What Child Is This*

1. What Child is this, who, laid to rest,
In Mary's lap is sleeping?
Whom angels greet with anthems sweet
While shepherds watch are keeping?
This, this is Christ the King
Whom shepherd guard and angels sing.
Haste, haste to bring Him laud,
The Babe, the Son of Mary.

2.  Why lies He in such mean estate,
Where ox and ass are feeding?**
Good Christian, fear, for sinners here
The silent Word is pleading. 
Nails, spears shall pierce Him through,
The cross be borne for me, for you.
Hail, hail, the Word made Flesh,
The Babe, the Son of Mary.

So bring Him incense, gold and myrrh***
Come, peasant, king*** to own Him.
The King of Kings salvation brings,
Let loving hearts enthrone Him.
Raise, raise the song on high,
The virgin sings her lullaby.
Joy, joy, for Christ is born,
The Babe, the Son of Mary.

--William Chatterton Dix, 1865

*usually sung to the English folk tune "Greensleeves"

**It's not known for sure what animals were present at Jesus' birth.  The Luke 2 account says He was laid in a manger, so people assume He was born in a stable where other animals were present.  Some people feel Mary rode a donkey down from Bethlehem to Nazareth, though the Bible doesn't say this either.  Still, these animals make it into much of the religious art and into Nativity scenes.  

***It seems the Magi (sometimes called "Wise Men") came later. They have sometimes been referred to as "kings", though they were not really rulers.  [Psalm 72 has similar thoughts and refers to "kings", though.]  This, as Christ's birth itself, shows the low & high of society worshipping HIm. 

Friday, December 3, 2021

Before the Paling of the Stars


Before the paling of the stars,
Before the winter morn,
Before the earliest cock crow,

Jesus Christ was born:
Born in a stable,
Cradled in a manger,

In the world his hands had made
Born a stranger.
Priest and king lay fast asleep
In Jerusalem;
Young and old lay fast asleep
In crowded Bethlehem;
Saint and angel, ox and ass**,
Kept a watch together

Before the Christmas daybreak
In the winter weather.
Jesus on his mother’s breast
the stable cold,
Spotless lamb of God was He,
Shepherd of the fold:
Let us kneel with Mary maid,

With Joseph laudatory*,
With saint and angel, ox and ass**,
To hail the King of Glory.
--Christina Rosetti, 1912
*In the original poem, "bent and hoary", with the idea that Joseph was older, and this was his second marriage, coming out of traditions not in the Bible that Mary was always a Virgin and never had biological children. Christians who hold this view, namely Roman Catholics and some Anglicans, interpret New Testament references of Jesus' brothers and sisters as being half-siblings from a possible 1st marriage of Joseph.  There is no actual Biblical data to support this.  Rosetti was a "High Church Anglican"
** Ox & Ass--  see the notes on this Christmas poem:  Here Between Ass & Oxen Mild  

Thursday, July 1, 2021

The Bright Morning Star

 This month, I'm making a departure to post something by David C. Brown, a "blog acquaintance" from the U.K.  He first posted it in July, 2016.  The link to his blog is below.

Thou art the Star of the morning;
Thou art the Bright Morning Star;*
Saints, in the midst of man's scorning
Welcome Thy light from afar:

Star of the morning,
O what a source of delight!
Soon Thou wilt have Thine assembly
Shining with heavenly light.  
Thou art the Star of the morning;
Thou art the Bright Morning Star;
Shining with heaven's adorning
Into the night where we are.
Star of the morning,
O what a source of delight!
Soon Thou wilt have Thine assembly
Shining with heavenly light. --David C. Brown, 2016

Sing it to  the hymn "Showers of Blessing"

*Christ as the Morning Star from the Book of Revelation.  (For more on this matter, see my posting, "Little Star, Might Star" from last month.)

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Posh Hopkins


Here is Prince Charles reading Gerard Manley Hopkins' second most famous poem, "God's Grandeur."

"God's Grandeur" Prince Charles 2021 Easter Message

Here is the text for this poem, with explanatory notes, from an earlier post in this blog:

"God's Grandeur"

This is not a strong "resurrection poem"; Hopkins did write some Easter specific poems.  If you click the "Easter" link, you will pull some up.  But at least it does mention "the Holy Ghost."  At one time, Charles seemed to be drifting away from Christian-specific matters, but that does not seem to be the case anymore.

I imagine Charles chose this, partly, because of the environmental theme.  I also wonder if, as Prince of Wales, he did it for the Welsh connection.  Hopkins was an English Jesuit priest, but his most favorite place of serving was Wales.  He learned some Welsh.  (For a poetry day event several years ago, the Prince of Wales read a poem by the Welsh poet, Dylan Thomas.) 

Prince Charles at his investiture as Prince of Wales, 1969

Just for "fun", here is a poem I wrote as a "riff" off of a line in "God's Grandeur."

"Nature is Never Spent" 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Ego Eimi


ἐγώ εἰμι

Jesus says: 

"I AM the world's Light             (John 8:12)
Who outshines eternal night."

"I AM the Good Shepherd        (John 10:14)
And the door for the sheep:      (John 10:7, 9)
The sheep hear My word
And within may safely sleep."

"I AM the Bread of Life;          (John 6)
The Way, the Truth and the Life;    (John 14:6)
The Resurrection and the Life."   (John 11:25)

"I AM the True Vine
And you are the branches--        (John 15: 1,5)
Without what is Mine,
You do only what man does."

εἰμι ἐγώ

Paul answers for all of us:
"Christ Jesus came into the world for sinners,
First of whom am I."      (I Timothy 1:15)

ἐγώ εἰμι

Jesus says:
"Before Abraham was, I AM."  (John 8:58)

"I AM" in Hebrew

Sunday, January 31, 2021




love that embraces the enemy

grace that preaches repentance

joy that strengthens during depression

peace that accompanies the conflicted

hope that enlivens the dying

Jesus gives this.  --Rev B.T. (c) 2021

Tuesday, September 1, 2020


"Rain" means something other
If you're not from Arizona:
"Into every life..."*
(Twist you here the knife)
"A little rain must fall..."*
(Unmitigated gall).

At last God sent us rain
To ease this climate's pain
Elsewhere they have floods--
Nature's twisted torsades.**
rainfall, rainwater, run-off, Phoenix Arizona, Marie Byars photography
I pray You come again,
Far moreso than the rain;
I want to see Your Face:
Lord, Jesus, come with haste.

---c.m.b.  (c), 2020

(a summer of record breaking 110+ days in Phoenix; no rain; high ozone)

*A paraphrase from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem, "The Rainy Day"  (see link below)
**Torsades:  an irregular heart rhythm

Sunday, August 2, 2020

[Joy & Peace in Believing]

(from the Olney Hymns)
Sometimes a light surprises
     The Christian while he sings;
It is the Lord who rises
     With healing on His wings;*
When comforts are declining,
     He grants the soul again
A season of clear shining,
     To cheer it after rain.

In holy contemplation
     We sweetly then pursue
The theme of God's salvation,
     And find it ever new;
Set free from present sorrow,
     We cheerfully can say,
E'en let the unknown to-morrow
     Bring with it what it may!
pen and ink colorized Marie Byars art lilies and raven Luke 12
It can bring with it nothing, But He will bear us through; Who gives the lilies clothing,** Will clothe His people too; Beneath the spreading heavens No creature but is fed; And He who feeds the ravens Will give His children bread.
colored pencil art jesus loaves and fishes miralce feeding 5000
Though vine nor fig tree neither*** Their wonted fruit shall bear, Though all the field should wither, Nor flocks nor herds be there: Yet God the same abiding, His praise shall tune my voice; For, while in Him confiding, I cannot but rejoice.
 --William Cowper [pronounced "Cooper"], 1779; part of Olney 
hymns, written alongside his friend, John Newton, author of 
"Amazing Grace" 
*Malchi 4:2--  the Sun of Righteousness [Christ] will rise with 
healing  in His wings. This idea is also found in a verse of "Hark 
the Herald Angels Sing"
**Matthew 6 & Luke 12--  Jesus told His followers that God
clothes the grasses in beautiful lilies that outshine wealthy King 
Solomon's best clothing.  He feeds the birds, specifically ravens, 
though they don't work and plan as the farmer does.  Jesus tells His 
followers that His Father will certainly take care of them, also, and 
that they shouldn't worry. 
***Habakkuk 3:17-19, a paraphrase.  If all else goes badly, rejoice. 
This is not idle, wishful thinking, nor pie in the sky optimism.  
Cowper suffered from crippling, pitch black depression at a time
before there were psychiatric medications. 
(Habakkuk is one of my favorite books of the Bible.) 


Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Nature is Never Spent (*)

"For all this, nature is never spent."*
As unto urban wastelands sent
Was this poetic English gent
Ourselves are now to parched lands lent,
Absorbing well what Hopkins meant.

I see no British Isles lush~
I look on desert city rush~
Adapting as that orange-breast thrush**
I find my own internal hush.  
American robin, thrush, day lily, day lilies, pen & ink drawing, Paint 3D, Marie Byars art, Marie Byars sketch

"There lives the dearest freshness deep-down things,"*
As I admire our flowerings
And still the robin gamely sings.**
snapdragons, Arizona, sidewalk cracks, Marie Byars photography

"For all this, nature is never spent."
On earth, this comes as form of rent
Until we dwell in Christ's new tent.***
--C. Marie Byars, 2020 (c) 
[during covid and unrest times, but not in direct response] 

*From Gerard Manley Hopkins', SJ, 1877 poem
God's Grandeur

**A U.S. robin is a type of thrush. Per various field guides, its wide range suggests it's adaptable.

***Tent/tabernacle/dwelling.  The Old Testament Tabernacle was a durable, highly ornate tent with a special purpose for worship. There, God's visible presence on earth could be found.  In John 1: 14, "The Word [Christ] became flesh and 'tabernacled' among us."  The Greek word for 'dwelling' means more literally 'tented.'