Monday, April 6, 2015


Nature's singing me her song,
And around me is a dance:
      The sunlight on the water,
       The aspens' quaking leaves,
       The playful dragonflies,
        My own two happy feet.
 My heart is filled with wild joy;
I know who wrote the song:
       He gave it melody
       And wove in harmony;
       He sets its steady rhythm
       And makes the whole world dance.

You hear the moments out-of-tune
When Nature's lost the harmony;
     But my Composer saved a better song
     To sing another place...
     Where melodies are never sad,
     And the only song is love.
    ----C. Marie Byars; Ft. Jackson, SC; May, 1986
          [written with memories of the southwestern U.S. in mind]


C. Marie Byars said...

I rarely put much personal about myself on these blogs. I never ask for personal prayers. I am now, if you read this & think of me.

I have acquired a somewhat mild but annoying eye problem called "Adie's pupil." My one eye pupil is stuck in the wide open position, for the most part. Up close vision gets "fuzzy."

It probably happened because of an old virus reactivating. It almost never really "heals" but does usually get somewhat better over time. I pray for healing, full healing if it be God's will.

I pray for it to happen soon. But, in all things, I pray for His will. I pray that if it cannot be changed, that I & my family learn some good lessons from this time.

God bless you all and your Easter season.

David C Brown said...

Enjoyed the song's reflection of a greater song.

Trust all goes well with the eye.

C. Marie Byars said...

Thanks for the compliment.

I don't know what will happen with my eye... but I do know that if I experience total healing, meaning complete return to normal light reaction, I will praise God for a miracle. The eye, it turns out, has many nerves to adjust for near-far, but only one to adjust for light sensitivity. And nerves heal very unpredictably. So we'll see. But thanks for thinking of me.