Friday, October 1, 2021

Birds' Nests


"Temptations, of course, cannot be avoided.  But because we cannot keep birds from flying over our heads, there is no need that we should let them build a nest in our hair."  -- Martin Luther's Large Catechism,  "Explanation of the Sixth Petition" ("Lead us not into temptation.")


Paulus said...

I had heard of a similar quote (also from Dr. Luther), "We can't stop the birds from landing on our head but we stop them from building a nest."

C. Marie Byars said...

Thanks for visiting.

The version you noted I've seen as "attributed to Martin Luther." When I sought specifics, this is what I found. Until then, I'd forgotten the connection to the 6th petition, "Lead us not into temptation", which I'd heard before.

My other blog, which is secular, has this cross-posted with a very similar Chinese proverb. It would be interesting to do a deep dive someday and see (1) which came first, and (2) whether one influenced the other, or whether they came about in separate but parallel ways.

Have a blessed day.