Wednesday, January 1, 2025

[Thee God I come from, to Thee go]

Thee, God, I come from, to thee go,
 All day long I like fountain flow 
From thy hand out, swayed about 
Mote-like* in thy mighty glow.         
Hopkins in his early years
What I know of thee I bless, 
As acknowledging thy stress 
On my being and as seeing 
Something of thy holiness.     

Once I turned from thee and hid, 
Bound on what thou hadst forbid; 
Sow the wind I would; I sinned: 
I repent of what I did. 
Hopkins as a young priest
Bad I am**, but yet thy child.
Father, be thou reconciled. 
Spare thou me, since I see 
With thy might that thou art mild. 

I have life before me still 
And thy purpose to fulfil; 
Yea a debt to pay thee yet: 
Help me, sir, and so I will. 
Hopkins in later years
But thou bidst, and just thou art, 
Me shew mercy from my heart 
Towards my brother, every other 
Man my mate and counterpart.
--Gerard Manley Hopkins, S.J., 1885
**should not be taken as a call to wallow in poor self-esteem; rather, this recognition of original sin helps us understand the lack of perfection in all of us and our need for God's forgiveness.  We all want to go off our own ways, and we are not naturally altruistic and loving towards others. 


David C Brown said...

Happy new year to you!

Interested to read this of Hopkins; we all have to reach that "Bad am I", as you say, without staying there. The younger son in Luke 15 would rejoice to be suitable to the father in the best robe.

C. Marie Byars said...

Hi, Dave! Thanks for visiting. Happy New Year back at ya!

I find the teaching of original sin comforting rather than depressing. We're in the same boat with St. Paul, who would have freely admitted it. The modern mind takes the admission of being an original sinner to a different place than intended. Indeed, medieval Europe did the same thing but for opposite reaons.

Anyway, hope your 2025 is blessed.